Channel: German Aviation, 1919-1945: Notes and Reviews
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Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (DVL), Berlin-Adlershof, 1936, Part 2


Selected images of new facilities of the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (DVL) [German Research Institute for Aviation] in Berlin-Adlershof, originally published in Moderne Bauformen - Monatshefte für Architektur und Raumkunst [Modern Construction Design - Monthly Magazine For Architecture And Interior Art], volume XXXV, issue no. 10, October 1936, Julius Hoffmann Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.

Top: observation platform "for scientific purposes" on top of the DVL main building.

Centre: DVL materials laboratories. The ground floor of the main building housed offices and individual laboratory units, the top floor contained the chemical laboratories. The protruding section in the centre of the building was a two-storey hall for mechanical research.

Bottom: the dedicated fuel laboratories featured small and large fuel test facilities. The photo shows the large test facility with its five exhaust stacks.

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