Channel: German Aviation, 1919-1945: Notes and Reviews
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Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (DVL), Berlin-Adlershof, 1936, Part 5


Selected images of new facilities of the Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (DVL) [German Research Institute for Aviation] in Berlin-Adlershof, originally published in Moderne Bauformen - Monatshefte für Architektur und Raumkunst [Modern Construction Design - Monthly Magazine For Architecture And Interior Art], volume XXXV, issue no. 10, October 1936, Julius Hoffmann Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.

Top: fractional view of the Versuchsfeld [test area] of the DVL. The partially visible dark structure to the extreme left is the large wind tunnel, a concrete structure built using the Zeiss-Dywidag-System. It had a diameter of between 8.5 and 12 m, and the airstream was created by an eight-blade fan with a diameter of 8.5 m. The oval building left of centre is the Trudelturm [spin tower] vertical wind tunnel, used for spin trials. The structure in the centre is an assembly hall. The cooling towers of the engine test facility can be seen right of centre. The two reinforced concrete towers to the right were designed to supply air and dissipate acoustic noise to and from the engine test rig. This rig could accommodate engines with propellers up to a diameter of 5 m. The interior of the test rig was furnished with concrete armour in order to withstand the disintegration of airscrews during high-rpm tests.

Centre: close-up view of the then highly innovative Trudelturm vertical wind tunnel. This building, too, was constructed from reinforced concrete.

Bottom: workshops and assembly halls, built from steel frame, infilled with clinker brick. The lower windows provided light to the workbenches, the upper windows illuminated the halls.

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